Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Frail  Ashes In My Hands (Piano Bar)  Yearn - the single 
 2. Tom Moody  Piano Three Hands   
 3. Winter Gloves  Piano 4 Hands  About A Girl 
 4. Winter Gloves  Piano 4 Hands  http://planetshhh.com  
 5. Emily Kurn  Piano Hands  Things Change 
 6. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 7. Monica Alianello/Alfonso Bertazzi/Andreas Pfaul  Rachmaninov - Valse for Piano Six-hands   
 8. Monica Alianello/Alfonso Bertazzi/Andreas Pfaul  Rachmaninov - Valse for Piano Six-hands   
 9. Monica Alianello/Alfonso Bertazzi/Andreas Pfaul  Rachmaninov - Romance for Piano Six-hands   
 10. Monica Alianello/Alfonso Bertazzi/Andreas Pfaul  Rachmaninov - Romance for Piano Six-hands   
 11. Emmanuel Sikora  Introduction to Pieces for Piano Four Hands  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 12. Franz Schubert  Marches Militaires (3) For Piano 4-Hands, Op 51/D: No.1  Virtuosity of Earl Wild (1 of 2) 
 13. Franz Schubert  Marches Militaires (3) For Piano 4-Hands, Op 51/D: No.1  Virtuosity of Earl Wild (1 of 2) 
 14. F.Schubert  Two Marches Op.121 posth. for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 15. F.Schubert  Two Marches Op.121 posth. for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 16. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 17. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 18. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 19. Emmanuel Sikora  Introduction to Pieces for Piano Four Hands  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 20. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 21. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 22. J.Brahms  Hungarian Dances for piano four hands  VSM audio files 
 23. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Rustique  Music of French Composers 
 24. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Prelude  Music of French Composers 
 25. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Final  Music of French Composers 
 26. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Prelude  Music of French Composers 
 27. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Final  Music of French Composers 
 28. PIANO SYNERGY DUO  Francis POULENC. Sonata for Piano Four Hands: Rustique  Music of French Composers 
 29. Robert Levin & Ya-Fei Chuang, piano  Variations on an Original Theme, for piano, four hands in A-flat Major, D. 813  Music from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston 
 30. Robert Levin & Ya-Fei Chuang, piano  Allegro, K. 497a and Andante, K. 500a in G Major for piano, four hands  Music from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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